? ??????????????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1. Copy the Code??2. Log in to your Blogger account
and go to "Manage Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard??3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.??4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in.??5. Click "S BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, July 5, 2009




Persediaan Awal peperiksaan
Antara strategi yang boleh pelajar lakukan sebagai persiapan awal menghadapi peperiksaan ialah :

1. Menentukan sasaran pencapaian diawal tahun untuk setiap mata pelajaran.

2. Membina sikap dan pemikiran yang positif terhadap peperiksaan. Anggap peperiksaan itu sebagai satu peluang bukan halangan. It is an opportunity for you to ‘show off’ what you have learned.

3. Menyedia dan mematuhi jadual belajar/ulangkaji secara berterusan (seperti pada Lampiran A).

4. Menyediakan senarai semak tajuk untuk semua subjek. Perhatikan tajuk-tajuk yang kerap keluar.
5. Menyediakan nota yang lengkap, padat dan ringkas (termasuk peta minda).

6. Membuat analisa soalan lepas dan membuat latihan menjawab soalan sebanyak mungkin.

7 .Memahami bentuk soalan, skema jawapan dan pemarkahan untuk semua mata pelajaran.

8.Membuat ulangkaji/latihan tambahan secara berterusan. Sama ada semasa dalam kelas atau di rumah. ‘Practice makes perfect’.

9. Ujudkan kumpulan perbincangan bilamana perlu. (STUDY GROUP)

10.Berbincang dengan guru sekerap mungkin.

11.Mengemukakan soalan/pandangan semasa dalam kelas.

12.Buat uji diri setiap tajuk/beberapa tajuk secara berkumpulan.

13.Ujudkan sistem ingatan yang mudah dan ringkas. Misalnya : gunakan Carta Pie, Bar Graph, peta, sketch, spider gram (mind mapping).

Objective : The students should be able to
i. state the steps to launch PowerPoint presentation
ii. state the function of menu bar and toolbars
iii. create a blank slide presentation
iv. use WordArt
v. insert picture
vi. insert custom animation
vii. save the presentation
viii. close and exit the presentation

Knowledge and Skills :

i. Launch Power Point 2003 software.
ii. Insert WordArt, picture and custom animation.
iii. Save a file.
iv. Close and exit presentation.

Launch the Power Point Presentation

1. Click Start, All Programs and Microsoft Office.
2. Choose Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003.
3. A screen as below will be displayed.
4. The display is the interface of Power Point Presentation.
5. There are Menu bar and Toolbars on the top of the window

Insert WordArt
1. On the drawing toolbar, click WordArt
2. Select any ‘WordArt’ style.
3. The WordArt Gallery dialog box appears.
4. When Edit WordArt Text dialog box appears, type the word Myself and click OK as shown below.

Insert Picture

1.Click Insert on the Menu bar, then select Picture from Clipart or Files where your pictures are saved
2.Move the picture anywhere you like on the slide. You may see an example below.

Insert Custom Animation

1.Click Slide Show on the Menu bar and select Custom Animation.
2.The Custom Animation Task Pane appears on the right of the window.
3.Click on the word Myself then click Add Effect on the task pane.
4.Select Entrance from the drop down menu and select any effects such as Checkerboard, Fly In and others.
5.You may modify the effects; start, the speed and direction by clicking the drop down buttons.
6.Click on the picture and then click Add Effect on the task pane.
7.Select Emphasis from the drop down menu and select any effects such as Grow/Shrink, Spin or more effects.
8.You may modify the effects; start, the speed and amount by clicking the drop down buttons.
9.Save your presentation as Myself in My Document.
10.Close and exit your presentation.